David-Sackett-Prize 2023 for the UTI-IPD-Team
03/22/2023On March 22, the team of the study "UTI-IPD - Strategies to reduce antibiotic use in women with uncomplicated urinary tract infections in primary care - an individual patient data meta-analysis (IPD-MA)" represented by Dr. Yvonne Kaußner received the David Sackett Award. Prof. Ildikó Gágyor was the scientific director of the project. The prize of the EbM network was awarded during this year's annual meeting in Potsdam.

The 2023 David Sackett Award goes to Dr. Yvonne Kaußner, Dr. Christian Röver, Dr. Judith Heinz, Prof. Dr. Eva Hummers, Prof. Dr. Tim Friede and Prof. Dr. Ildikó Gágyor for "UTI-IPD - An individual patient data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on strategies to reduce antibiotic use in women with an uncomplicated urinary tract infection".
One of the major findings of the work was that women without erythrocytes and bacterial growth in their urine in particular may benefit from non-antibiotic strategies. The development of reliable point-of-care tests to detect relevant bacteriuria should therefore be pursued to facilitate treatment decisions consistent with antibiotic stewardship.
The EbM Network annually awards the €2,000 prize for outstanding scientific achievement in the field of evidence-based medicine and health care in research, teaching, or in disseminating the concerns of EbM.
Dr. Yvonne Kaußner (UKW), Prof. Dr. Ildikó Gágyor (UKW) and Dr. Christian Röver (UMG) received the prize on behalf of the entire team at the award ceremony during the EbM Annual Meeting in Potsdam. The laudation was held by Prof. Dr. Christiane Muth (University of Bielefeld).
The project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, was an international cooperation of eight countries (Germany, Belgium, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Canada, Switzerland).
Further information on the project can be found here.
Kaußner, Y.; Röver, C.; Heinz, J.; Hummers, E.; Debray, T. P. A.; Hay, A. D.; Heytens, S.; Vik, I.; Little, P.; Moore, M.; Stuart, B.; Wagenlehner, F.; Kronenberg, A.; Ferry, S.; Monsen, T.; Lindbæk, M.; Friede, T.; Gágyor, I. Reducing Antibiotic Use in Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections in Adult Women: A Systematic Review and Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2022, S1198743X22003305. URL.