Krauthausen, M.; Gierszewski, D.; Streng, A.; Forster, J.; Engels, G.; Pietsch, F.; Wallstabe, J.; Jans, T.; Rücker, V.; Romanos, M.; Heuschmann, P.; Dölken, L.; Härtel, C.; Kurzai, O.; Liese, J.; Gágyor, I. Continuous SARS-CoV-2 Monitoring in Day Care Centers: A Qualitative Interview Study on the Experiences of Childcare Workers and Parents with Different Self-Sampling Methods in the Home Environment. ZEFQ 2024, 0 (0). URL
Tigges, P.; Greser, A.; Gágyor, I.; Kraft, J.; Maun, A.; Schmiemann, G.; Schwienhorst-Stich, E.-M.; Heintze, C.; Schuster, A. Addressing AMR and Planetary Health in Primary Care: The Potential of General Practitioners as Change Agents. Front Public Health 2024, 12, 1383423. URL
Carta, M. G.; Kurotschka, P. K.; Machado, S.; Erfurth, A.; Sancassiani, F.; Perra, A.; Tusconi, M.; Cossu, G.; Aviles Gonzalez, C. I.; Primavera, D. A Virtual Reality Cognitive Stimulation Program as an Effective Tool Against Residual/Prodromal Depressive Symptoms in Bipolar Disorders. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2024, 13 (16), 4714. URL
Jans, T.; Krauthausen, M.; Bauer, C.; Forster, J.; Engels, G.; Pietsch, F.; Wallstabe, J.; Rücker, V.; Schmidt, J.; Weissbrich, B.; Heuschmann, P.; Härtel, C.; Dölken, L.; Kurzai, O.; Gágyor, I.; Liese, J. G.; Romanos, M.; Streng, A. Lässt sich der SARS-CoV-2-Infektionsstatus bei Kindern über pandemiebezogene Einstellungen und Sorgen ihrer Eltern vorhersagen? Daten der Würzburger Kindertagesstätten-Studien (Wü-KiTa-CoV, 2020-2022). Gesundheitswesen 2024. URL
Leutritz, T.; Krauthausen, M.; Simmenroth, A.; König, S. Factors Associated with Medical Students’ Career Choice in Different Specialties: A Multiple Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study at a German Medical School. BMC Med Educ 2024, 24 (1), 798. URL
Sancassiani, F.; Perra, A.; Kurotschka, P. K.; Kalcev, G.; Galetti, A.; Zaccheddu, R.; Locci, A.; Piludu, F.; Di Natale, L.; De Lorenzo, V.; Fornaro, M.; Nardi, A. E.; Primavera, D. Improving Social and Personal Rhythm Dysregulation in Young and Old Adults with Bipolar Disorder: Post-Hoc Analysis of a Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial Using Virtual Reality-Based Intervention. J Clin Med 2024, 13 (13), 3786. URL
Barbosa Ladino, M. C.; Jiménez Betancourth, C.; Vásquez Acevedo, L.; Haag, M.; Zirkel, J.; Schwienhorst-Stich, E.-M.; Navarro, M.; Kasang, C.; Gágyor, I.; Parisi, S. Body Map Stories from Colombia: Experiences of People Affected by Leprosy and the Influence of Peers during Diagnosis and Treatment. Int J Equity Health 2024, 23 (1), 98. URL
Schmiemann, G.; Kranz, J.; Mandraka, F.; Schubert, S.; Wagenlehner, F.; Gágyor, I. The Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2024, arztebl.m2024.0068. URL
Jung-Henrich, J.; Schlößler, K.; Uebel, T.; Chikhradze, N.; Suslow, A.; Lindner, N.; Fahrenkrog, S.; Kraft, J.; Hummers, E.; Vollmar, H. C.; Gágyor, I.; Heider, D.; König, H.-H.; Donner-Banzhoff, N. Development and Implementation of a Treatment Pathway to Reduce Coronary Angiograms - Lessons from a Failure. BMC Health Serv Res 2024, 24 (1), 527. URL
Wabnitz, K.; von Gierke, F.; Gepp, S.; Jung, L.; Schneider, F.; Schwienhorst-Stich, E.-M.; Fast, M. Visions for Planetary Health: Results from Open-Ended Questions of Survey Participants after a Virtual Planetary Health Lecture Series. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes 2024, 185, 108–114. URL
Schwienhorst-Stich, E.-M.; Kropff, D.; Kersken, K.; König, S.; Leutritz, T.; Parisi, S.; Schlittenhardt, C.; Schmid, J.; Simmenroth, A.; Jünger, J.; Zirkel, J. The elective planetary health: Climate, environment and health at the faculty of medicine in Würzburg: Concept, didactic methods and evaluation results. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes 2024, Online ahead of print. URL
Richter, A.; Truthmann, J.; Hummers, E.; Pereira, J. F. M.; Gágyor, I.; Schuster, F.; Witte, A.; Böhm, S.; Greser, A.; Kamin, P.; Stracke, S.; Dörr, M.; Bülow, R.; Engeli, S.; Chenot, J. F.; Ittermann, T. Prednisolone Versus Colchicine for Acute Gout in Primary Care: Statistical Analysis Plan for the Pragmatic, Multicenter, Randomized, and Double-Blinded COPAGO Non-Inferiority Trial. Trials 2024, 25 (1), 229. URL
Kurotschka, P. K.; Borgulya, G.; Bucher, E.; Endrich, I.; Figueiras, A.; Gensichen, J.; Hay, A. D.; Hapfelmeier, A.; Kretzschmann, C.; Kurzai, O.; Lam, T.-T.; Massidda, O.; Sanftenberg, L.; Schmiemann, G.; Schneider, A.; Simmenroth, A.; Stark, S.; Warkentin, L.; Ebell, M. H.; Gágyor, I. Dipsticks and Point-of-Care Microscopy to Reduce Antibiotic Use in Women with an Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection (MicUTI): Protocol of a Randomised Controlled Pilot Trial in Primary Care. BMJ Open 2024, 14 (3), e079345. URL
Bilsen, M. P.; Conroy, S. P.; Schneeberger, C.; Platteel, T. N.; van Nieuwkoop, C.; Mody, L.; Caterino, J. M.; Geerlings, S. E.; Köves, B.; Wagenlehner, F.; Kunneman, M.; Visser, L. G.; Lambregts, M. M. C.; Hooton, T.; Nicolle, L.; Trautner, B.; Gupta, K.; Drekonja, D.; Huttner, A.; Schneidewind, L.; Johansen, T. E. B.; Medina-Polo, J.; Kranz, J.; Ten Doesschate, T.; Ott, A.; Kuil, S.; Pulia, M.; Nwagwu, V.; Carpenter, C.; Russel, A.; Stalenhoef, J.; Clark, S.; Southerland, L.; Notermans, D.; Fure, B.; Baten, E.; Ninan, S.; Gerbrandy-Schreuders, L.; Van Halem, K.; Blanker, M.; Naber, K.; Pilatz, A.; Heytens, S.; Vahedi, A.; Talan, D.; Kuijper, E.; Van Dissel, J.; Cals, J.; Dubbs, S.; Veeratterapillay, R.; Sundvall, P.-D.; Bertagnolio, S.; Graber, C.; Rozemeijer, W.; Jump, R.; Gagyor, I.; Vik, I.; Waar, K.; Van der Beek, M. A Reference Standard for Urinary Tract Infection Research: A Multidisciplinary Delphi Consensus Study. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2024. URL.
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Kurotschka, P. K.; Hemkeppler, J.; Gierszewski, D.; Ghirotto, L.; Gágyor, I. General Practitioners’ Decision Making Managing Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections in Women: A Qualitative Study. BJGP Open 2024, BJGPO.2023.0224. URL
Kurotschka, P. K.; Gágyor, I.; Ebell, M. H. Acute Uncomplicated UTIs in Adults: Rapid Evidence Review. Am Fam Physician 2024, 109 (2), 167–174. URL.
Sanftenberg, L.; Gschwendner, M.; Grass, A.; Rottenkolber, M.; Zöllinger, I.; Sebastiao, M.; Kühlein, T.; Hindenburg, D.; Gágyor, I.; Wildgruber, D.; Hausen, A.; Janke, C.; Hoelscher, M.; Teupser, D.; Dreischulte, T.; Gensichen, J.; on behalf of the BACOM Study Group. Associations of Mental Health Issues with Health Literacy and Vaccination Readiness against COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Facilities—A Cross-Sectional Analysis. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education 2024, 14 (3), 432–446. URL.
Kurotschka, P. K.; Bentivegna, M.; Hulme, C.; Ebell, M. H. Identifying the Best Initial Oral Antibiotics for Adults with Community-Acquired Pneumonia: A Network Meta-Analysis. J Gen Intern Med 2024. URL.
Hajduk, M.; Tiedemann, E.; Romanos, M.; Simmenroth, A. Neuroenhancement and Mental Health in Students from Four Faculties – a Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study. GMS J Med Educ 2024, 41 (1), Doc9. URL.
Kühl, L. M.; Zerban, N. L.; Tiedemann, E.; König, S. Development of a Strategy for the Expansion of Online Teaching at the University of Würzburg Based on the Experiences of Lecturers and Students in the Pandemic Years 2020/21. GMS J Med Educ 2024, 41 (1), Doc12. URL.
Klingeberg, A.; Willrich, N.; Schneider, M.; Schmiemann, G.; Gágyor, I.; Richter, D.; Noll, I.; Eckmanns, T. The Percentage of Antibiotic Resistance in Uncomplicated Community-Acquired Urinary Tract Infections—Findings of the RedAres Project. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2024, URL.
Sanftenberg, L.; Stofella, J.; Mayr, K.; Nassehi, A.; Härdtlein, A.; Stark, S.; Kühlein, T.; Kurotschka, P. K.; Gágyor, I.; Eck, S.; Schneider, A.; Bößenecker, M.; Roos, M.; Dreischulte, T.; Gensichen, J.; for the BayFoNet study group. Expectations of General Practitioners on a Practice Based Research Network in Germany- a Qualitative Study within the Bavarian Research Practice Network (BayFoNet). BMC Primary Care 2024, 25 (1), 10. URL.
Tengelmann, C.; Joos, S.; Kaußner, Y.; Malzahn, U.; Lunden, L.; Klug, A.; Häusler, K. G.; Escales, C.; Maetzler, W.; Hügen, K.; Zolk, O.; Heuschmann, P. U.; Förster, C.; Kaduszkiewicz, H.; Gágyor, I. Feasibility, Safety and Effectiveness of Prednisolone and Vitamin B1, B6, and B12 in Patients with Post-COVID-19-Syndrome (PreVitaCOV) – Protocol of a Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Multicentre Trial in Primary Care (Phase IIIb). BMC Infectious Diseases 2024, 24 (1), 56. URL.
Schuster, A.; Tigges, P.; Grune, J.; Kraft, J.; Greser, A.; Gágyor, I.; Boehme, M.; Eckmanns, T.; Klingeberg,A.; Maun, A.; Menzel, A.; Schmiemann, G.; Heintze, C.; Bleidorn, J. GPs’ Perspective on a Multimodal Intervention to Enhance Guideline-Adherence in Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections: A Qualitative Process Evaluation of the Multicentric RedAres Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial. Antibiotics (Basel) 2023, 12 (12), 1657. URL.
Reis, S.; Metzendorf, M.-I.; Kuehn, R.; Popp, M.; Gagyor, I.; Kranke, P.; Meybohm, P.; Skoetz, N.; Weibel, S. Nirmatrelvir Combined with Ritonavir for Preventing and Treating COVID-19. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2023, 11 (11), CD015395. URL.
Bachfischer, A.; Barbosa, M. C.; Rojas, A. A. R.; Bechler, R.; Schwienhorst-Stich, E.M.; Kasang, C.; Simmenroth, A.; Parisi, S. Implementing Community Based Inclusive Development for People with Disability in Latin America: A Mixed Methods Perspective on Prioritized Needs and Lessons Learned. International Journal for Equity in Health 2023, 22 (1), 147. URL.
Parisi, G.; Pasolli, L.; Zamin, C.; Negri, A.; Kurotschka, P. K. Twelve tips for a good medical consultation in primary care. Recenti Prog Med 2023, 114 (12), 712–729. URL.
Kutalek, R.; Lahlal, M.; Kaawa-Mafigiri, D.; Ryan-Coker, M.; Böll, S.; Parisi, S.; Cheah, P. Y.; Pritsch, M. Putting Global Health High on the Agenda of Medical Schools. Wien Med Wochenschr 2023, 173 (5), 131–137. URL.
Wirth, M.; Gálvez, R. I.; Jochum, J.; Strauss, R.; Kristensen, K.; Stich, A.; Stegemann, M.; Stahl, P.; Puchner, K. P.; Strasen, J.; Parisi, S.; Braasch, T.; Bender, M.; Hörning, A.; Hanke, M.; Störk, S.; Jacobs, T.; Pritsch, M.; Zoller, T. Knowledge, Attitudes, Behaviors, and Serological Status Related to Chagas Disease among Latin American Migrants in Germany: A Cross-Sectional Study in Six German Cities. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 2023, 12.
Schmiemann, G.; Greser, A.; Maun, A.; Bleidorn, J.; Schuster, A.; Miljukov, O.; Rücker, V.; Klingeberg, A.; Mentzel, A.; Minin, V.; Eckmanns, T.; Heintze, C.; Heuschmann, P.; Gágyor, I. Effects of a Multimodal Intervention in Primary Care to Reduce Second Line Antibiotic Prescriptions for Urinary Tract Infections in Women: Parallel, Cluster Randomised, Controlled Trial. BMJ 2023, 383, e076305. URL.
Ebell, M. H.; Serafini, A.; Kurotschka, P. K. Focusing on patient-oriented evidence that matters: a practical approach to keeping up with new research. Recenti Prog Med 2023, 114 (11), 639–641. URL.
Parisi, G.; Pasolli, L.; Zamin, C.; Negri, A.; Kurotschka, P. K. The methodological and relational core competencies of General practice/Family medicine in Primary Care. Recenti Prog Med 2023, 114 (11), 654–664. URL.
Truthmann, J.; Freyer Martins Pereira, J.; Richter, A.; Schuster, F.; Witte, A.; Böhm, S.; Greser, A.; Kamin, P.; Stracke, S.; Dörr, M.; Bülow, R.; Engeli, S.; Gágyor, I.; Hummers, E.; Chenot, J.-F. Prednisolone Versus Colchicine for Acute Gout in Primary Care (COPAGO): Protocol for a Two-Arm Multicentre, Pragmatic, Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Clinical Trial of Prednisolone and Colchicine for Non-Inferiority with a Parallel Group Design. Trials 2023, 24 (1), 643. URL.
Schrader, H.; Ruck, J.; Borgulya, G.; Parisi, S.; Ehlers-Mondorf, J.; Kaduszkiewicz, H.; Joos, S.; Grau, A.; Linde, K.; Gágyor, I. Stress Experiences of Healthcare Assistants in Family Practice at the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Study. Frontiers in Public Health 2023, 11. URL.
Kollikowski, A.; Schiffmann, L.; Gabriel, K.; Gágyor, I.; Heuschmann, P.; Langhorst, J.; Keil, T. Löffler, C. [How Common are Complementary Medicine Procedures in Bavarian Acute Care Hospitals? Results of A Bavarian-wide Website Screening]. Gesundheitswesen 2023, 85 (3), 165–174. URL.
Sanftenberg, L.; Dreischulte, T.; Härdtlein, A.; Kosub, H.; Gagyor, I.; Kurotschka, P. K.; Kühlein, T.; Burggraf, L.; Eck, S.; Roos, M.; Gensichen, J. Process Evaluation in Practice Based Research Networks: A Study Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Implementation Study. BMJ Open 2023, 13 (7), e065947. URL.
Schrader, H.; Borgulya, G.; Parisi, S.; Joos, S.; Kaduszkiewicz, H.; Barzel, A.; Raus, C.; Sanftenberg, L.; Kühlein, T.; Maun, A.; Schmidt, J.; Linde, K.; Gágyor, I. [General Practitioners’ Experiences with COVID-19: a Survey After the First Wave of the Pandemic in March/April 2020]. Gesundheitswesen 2023. URL.
Gensichen, J.; Zöllinger, I.; Gagyor, I.; Hausen, A.; Hölscher, M.; Janke, C.; Kühlein, T.; Nassehi, A.; Teupser, D.; Arend, F. M.; Eidenschink, C.; Hindenburg, D.; Kosub, H.; Kurotschka, P. K.; Lindemann, D.; Mayr, K.; Müller, S.; Rink, L.; Rottenkolber, M.; Sanftenberg, L.; Schwaiger, R.; Sebastião, M.; Wildgruber, D.; Dreischulte, T. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People in Need of Care or Support: Protocol for a SARS-CoV-2 Registry. BMJ Open 2023, 13 (5), e071134. URL.
Schwienhorst-Stich, E.-M., Wabnitz, K., Geck, E., Gepp, S., Jung, L., Mumm, A., Schmid, J., Simmenroth, A., Simon, J., Eichinger, M. Initiatives promoting planetary health education in Germany: An overview. GMS J Med Educ 2023, 40(3):Doc38 (20230515). URL.
Schmid, J., Mumm, A., König, S., Zirkel, J., Schwienhorst-Stich, E.-M. Concept and implementation of the longitudinal mosaic curriculum planetary health at the Faculty of Medicine in Würzburg, Germany. GMS J Med Educ 2023, 40(3):Doc33 (20230515). URL.
Simon, J.; Parisi, S.; Wabnitz, K.; Simmenroth, A.; Schwienhorst-Stich, E.-M. Ten Characteristics of High-Quality Planetary Health Education—Results from a Qualitative Study with Educators, Students as Educators and Study Deans at Medical Schools in Germany. Frontiers in Public Health 2023, 11. URL.
Serafini, A.; Palandri, L.; Kurotschka, P. K.; Giansante, C.; Sabattini, M. R.; Lavenia, M. A.; Scarpa, M.; Fornaciari, D.; Morandi, M.; Bellelli, F.; Padula, M. S.; Righi, E.; Ugolini, G.; Riccomi, S. The Effects of Primary Care Monitoring Strategies on COVID-19 Related Hospitalisation and Mortality: A Retrospective Electronic Medical Records Review in a Northern Italian Province, the MAGMA Study. European Journal of General Practice 2023, 0(0), 2186395. URL.
Matthes, A.; Wolf, F.; Schmiemann, G.; Gágyor, I.; Bleidorn, J.; Markwart, R. Point-of-Care Laboratory Testing in Primary Care: Utilization, Limitations and Perspectives of General Practitioners in Germany. BMC Primary Care 2023, 24 (1), 96. URL.
Perra, A.; Galetti, A.; Zaccheddu, R.; Locci, A.; Piludu, F.; Preti, A.;Primavera, D.; Di Natale, L.; Nardi, A. E.; Kurotschka, P. K.; Cossu, G.; Sancassiani, F.; Stella, G.; De Lorenzo, V.; Zreik, T.; Carta, M. G. A Recovery-Oriented Program for People with Bipolar Disorder through Virtual Reality-Based Cognitive Remediation: Results of a Feasibility Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2023, 12 (6), 2142. URL.
Harding, A.; Vallersnes, O. M.; Carelli, F.; Kiknadze, N.; Karppinen, H.; Simmenroth, A. European Standards for Undergraduate Medical Education in General Practice; a Blueprint - for Action. Education for Primary Care 2023, 34 (1), 2–6. URL.
Dreischulte, T.; Sanftenberg, L.; Hennigs, P.; Zöllinger, I.; Schwaiger, R.; Floto, C.; Sebastiao, M.; Kühlein, T.; Hindenburg, D.; Gagyor, I.; Wildgruber, D.; Hausen, A.; Janke, C.; Hölscher, M.; Teupser, D.; Gensichen, J.; On Behalf Of The Bacom Study Group. Detecting Medication Risks among People in Need of Care: Performance of Six Instruments. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2023, 20 (3), 2327. URL.
Wabnitz, K.; Schwienhorst-Stich, E.-M.; Asbeck, F.; Fellmann, C.S.; Gepp, S.; Leberl, J.; Mezger, N.C.S.; Eichinger, M. National Planetary Health learning objectives for Germany: A steppingstone for medical education to promote transformative change. Front. Public Health 2023, 10:1093720. URL.
Ruck, J.; Pramberger, M.; Späth, I.; Simmenroth, A.; Zirkel, J. “And How Am I Going to Ask about This?” – Introducing the Course “Sexual Anamnesis” in Peer Teaching for Medical Students in Würzburg. GMS J Med Educ 2023, 40 (1), Doc10. URL.
Makowski, L.; Schrader, H.; Parisi, S.; Ehlers-Mondorf, J.; Joos, S.; Kaduszkiewicz, H.; Gágyor, I. German General Practitioners’ Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic and How It Affected Their Patient Care: A Qualitative Study. European Journal of General Practice 2023, 0 (0), 2156498. URL.
Horn, A.; Stangl, S.; Parisi, S.; Bauer, N.; Roll, J.; Löffler, C.; Gágyor, I.; Haas, K.; Heuschmann, P. U.; Langhorst, J.; Keil, T. Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis: Stress-Management Interventions for Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Stress Health 2023. URL.
Hedin, K.; van der Velden, A. W.; Hansen, M. P.; Moberg, A. B.; Balan, A.; Bruno, P.; Coenen, S.; Johansen, E.; Kowalczyk, A.; Kurotschka, P. K.; van der Linde, S. R.; Malania, L.; Rohde, J.; Verbakel, J.; Vornhagen, H.; Vellinga, A. Initial Symptoms and Three Months Follow-up after Acute COVID-19 in Outpatients: An International Prospective Cohort Study. European Journal of General Practice 2023, 0 (0), 2154074. URL.
Perra, A.; Riccardo, C. L.; De Lorenzo, V.; De Marco, E.; Di Natale, L.; Kurotschka, P. K.; Preti, A.; Carta, M. G. Fully Immersive Virtual Reality-Based Cognitive Remediation for Adults with Psychosocial Disabilities: A Systematic Scoping Review of Methods Intervention Gaps and Meta-Analysis of Published Effectiveness Studies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023, 20 (2), 1527. URL.
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Parisi, S.; Lehner, N.; Schrader, H.; Kierer, L.; Fleischer, A.; Miljukov, O.; Borgulya, G.; Rüter, G.; Viniol, A.; Gágyor, I. Experiencing COVID-19, Home Isolation and Primary Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study. Frontiers in Public Health 2023, 10. URL.
Gepp, S.; Jung, L.; Wabnitz, K.; Schneider, F.; Gierke, F. v; Otto, H.; Hartmann, S.; Gemke, T.; Schulz, C.; Gabrysch, S.; Fast, M.; Schwienhorst-Stich, E.-M. The Planetary Health Academy—a Virtual Lecture Series for Transformative Education in Germany. The Lancet Planetary Health 2023, 7 (1), e68–e76. URL.
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Ebell, M. H.; Gagyor, I. Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection in Women. Am Fam Physician 2022, 106 (3), 335–336. URL.
Kollikowski, A.; Schiffmann, L.; Gabriel, K.; Gágyor, I.; Heuschmann, P.; Langhorst, J.; Keil, T.; Löffler, C. [How Common are Complementary Medicine Procedures in Bavarian Acute Care Hospitals? Results of A Bavarian-wide Website Screening]. Gesundheitswesen 2022. URL.
Klünder, V.; Schwenke, P.; Hertig, E.; Jochem, C.; Kaspar-Ott, I.; Schwienhorst-Stich, E.-M.; Stauch, L.; Coenen, M. A Cross-Sectional Study on the Knowledge of and Interest in Planetary Health in Health-Related Study Programmes in Germany. Front Public Health 2022, 10, 937854. URL.
Eck, S.; Hapfelmeier, A.; Linde, K.; Schultz, K.; Gensichen, J.; Sanftenberg, L.; Kühlein, T.; Stark, S.; Gágyor, I.; Kretzschmann, C.; Schneider, A.; Bavarian Practice-Based Research Network (BayFoNet). Effectiveness of an Online Education Program for Asthma Patients in General Practice: Study Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. BMC Pulm Med 2022, 22 (1), 457. URL.
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Kutalek, R.; Lahlal, M.; Kaawa-Mafigiri, D.; Ryan-Coker, ;M; Böll, B.; Parisi, S.; Cheah, P.; Pritsch, M. Putting Global Health High on the Agenda of Medical Schools. Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift (1946) 2022. URL.
Reis, S.; Metzendorf, M.-I.; Kuehn, R.; Popp, M.; Gagyor, I.; Kranke, P.; Meybohm, P.; Skoetz, N.; Weibel, S. Nirmatrelvir Combined with Ritonavir for Preventing and Treating COVID-19. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2022, 9, CD015395. URL.
Apodaca Michel, B.; Navarro, M.; Pritsch, M.; Du Plessis, J. D.; Shock, J.; Schwienhorst-Stich, E.-M.; Zirkel, J.; Schrader, H.; Saavedra Irala, C.; Rubilar, G.; Gunesch, C.; Kasang, C.; Zoller, T.; Gagyor, I.; Parisi, S. Understanding the Widespread Use of Veterinary Ivermectin for Chagas Disease, Underlying Factors and Implications for the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Convergent Mixed-Methods Study. BMJ Open 2022, 12 (9), e058572. URL.
Engels, G.; Forster, J.; Streng, A.; Rücker, V.; Rudolph, P.; Pietsch, F.; Wallstabe, J.; Wallstabe, L.; Krauthausen, M.; Schmidt, J.; Ludwig, T.; Bauer, C.; Gierszewski, D.; Bendig, J.; Timme, S.; Jans, T.; Weißbrich, B.; Romanos, M.; Dölken, L.; Heuschmann, P.; Härtel, C.; Gágyor, I.; Figge, M. T.; Liese, J.; Kurzai, O.; Wue-KiTa-CoV 2.0-Study Group. Acceptance of Different Self-Sampling Methods for Semiweekly SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Asymptomatic Children and Childcare Workers at German Day Care Centers: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial. JAMA Netw Open 2022, 5 (9), e2231798. URL.
Kaußner, Y.; Röver, C.; Heinz, J.; Hummers, E.; Debray, T. P. A.; Hay, A. D.; Heytens, S.; Vik, I.; Little, P.; Moore, M.; Stuart, B.; Wagenlehner, F.; Kronenberg, A.; Ferry, S.; Monsen, T.; Lindbæk, M.; Friede, T.; Gágyor, I. Reducing Antibiotic Use in Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections in Adult Women: A Systematic Review and Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2022, 28 (12), 1558–1566. URL.
Kurotschka, P. K.; Fulgenzio, C.; Da Cas, R.; Traversa, G.; Ferrante, G.; Massidda, O.; Gágyor, I.; Aschbacher, R.; Moser, V.; Pagani, E.; Spila Alegiani, S.; Massari, M. Effect of Fluoroquinolone Use in Primary Care on the Development and Gradual Decay of Escherichia Coli Resistance to Fluoroquinolones: A Matched Case-Control Study. Antibiotics (Basel) 2022, 11 (6), 822. URL.
Rohde, J.; Himmel, W.; Hofinger, C.; Lâm, T.-T.; Schrader, H.; Wallstabe, J.; Kurzai, O.; Gágyor, I. Diagnostic Accuracy and Feasibility of a Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test in General Practice - a Prospective Multicenter Validation and Implementation Study. BMC Prim Care 2022, 23 (1), 149. URL.
Petruschke, I.; Stichling, K.; Greser, A.; Gagyor, I.; Bleidorn, J. [The general practitioner perspective of a multimodal intervention for the adequate use of antibiotics in urinary tract infection - a qualitative interview study]. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes 2022, 170, 1–6. URL.
Parisi, G.; Kurotschka, P. K. [From evidence-based medicine to shared decision making: how to manage uncertainty in clinical practice.]. Recenti Prog Med 2022, 113 (5), 305–316. URL.
Koschker, A.-C.; Warrings, B.; Morbach, C.; Seyfried, F.; Rickert, N.; Jung, P.; Geier, A.; Dischinger, U.; Krauthausen, M.; Herrmann, M. J.; Stier, C.; Frantz, S.; Malzahn, U.; Störk, S.; Fassnacht, M. Cardio-Psycho-Metabolic Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery: Design and Baseline of the WAS Trial. Endocr Connect 2022, 11 (2), e210338. URL.
Wolf, F.; Krause, M.; Gágyor, I.; Schmiemann, G.; Bleidorn, J. [Is it feasible to conduct drug studies in general practice? - Results of a survey among investigating physicians and medical staff]. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes 2022, 168, 21–26. URL.
Forster, J.; Streng, A.; Rudolph, P.; Rücker, V.; Wallstabe, J.; Timme, S.; Pietsch, F.; Hartmann, K.; Krauthausen, M.; Schmidt, J.; Ludwig, T.; Gierszewski, D.; Jans, T.; Engels, G.; Weißbrich, B.; Romanos, M.; Dölken, L.; Heuschmann, P.; Härtel, C.; Gágyor, I.; Figge, M. T.; Kurzai, O.; Liese, J.; Wü-KiTa-CoV Study Group. Feasibility of SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance Testing Among Children and Childcare Workers at German Day Care Centers: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial. JAMA Netw Open 2022, 5 (1), e2142057. URL.
Roos, M.; Schneider, A.; Gensichen, J.; Simmenroth, A.; Kühlein, T.; Schneider, D. The “Seminartage Weiterbildung Allgemeinmedizin” (SemiWAM®) - Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Five-Year, Competence-Based Postgraduate Programme in Bavaria. GMS J Med Educ 2022, 39 (2), Doc19. URL.
Moro, M. F.; Calamandrei, G.; Poli, R.; Di Mattei, V.; Perra, A.; Kurotschka, P. K.; Restrepo, A.; Romano, F.; La Torre, G.; Preti, E.; Mascayano, F.; Picardi, A.; Chiarotti, F.; Rapisarda, V.; Urban, A.; Alvarado, R.; Susser, E.; Carta, M. G. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of Healthcare Workers in Italy: Analyzing the Role of Individual and Workplace-Level Factors in the Reopening Phase After Lockdown. Front Psychiatry 2022, 13, 867080. URL.
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Gierszewski, D.; Kurotschka, P. K.; Krauthausen, M.; Fröhlich, W.; Forster, J.; Pietsch, F.; Streng, A.; Rücker, V.; Wallstabe, J.; Hartmann, K.; Jans, T.; Engels, G.; Romanos, M.; Heuschmann, P.; Härtel, C.; Kurzai, O.; Liese, J.; Gágyor, I. Parents’ and Childcare Workers’ Perspectives Toward SARS-CoV-2 Test and Surveillance Protocols in Pre-School Children Day Care Centers: A Qualitative Study Within the German Wü-KiTa-CoV Project. Front Med (Lausanne) 2022, 9, 897726. URL.
Kurotschka, P. K.; Padula, M. S.; Zedda, M. T.; Gareri, P.; Serafini, A. The Older Patient at Home. In The Role of Family Physicians in Older People Care; Demurtas, J., Veronese, N., Eds.; Practical Issues in Geriatrics; Springer International Publishing: Cham, 2022; pp 243–261. URL.
Wabnitz, K.; Galle, S.; Hegge, L.; Masztalerz, O.; Schwienhorst-Stich, E.-M.; Eichinger, M. [Planetary health-transformative education regarding the climate and sustainability crises for health professionals]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz 2021, 64 (3), 378–383. URL.
Spila Alegiani, S.; Crisafulli, S.; Giorgi Rossi, P.; Mancuso, P.; Salvarani, C.; Atzeni, F.; Gini, R.; Kirchmayer, U.; Belleudi, V.; Kurotschka, P. K.; Leoni, O.; Ludergnani, M.; Ferroni, E.; Baracco, S.; Massari, M.; Trifirò, G.; ITA-COVID-19 Network. Risk of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Hospitalization and Mortality in Rheumatic Patients Treated with Hydroxychloroquine or Other Conventional Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs in Italy. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2021, 60 (SI), SI25–SI36. URL.
Solmi, M.; Dragioti, E.; Croatto, G.; Radua, J.; Borgwardt, S.; Carvalho, A. F.; Demurtas, J.; Mosina, A.; Kurotschka, P. K.; Shin, J. I.; Fusar-Poli, P. Risk and Protective Factors for Cannabis, Cocaine, and Opioid Use Disorders: An Umbrella Review of Meta-Analyses of Observational Studies. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2021, 126, 243–251. URL.
Fulgenzio, C.; Massari, M.; Traversa, G.; Da Cas, R.; Ferrante, G.; Aschbacher, R.; Moser, V.; Pagani, E.; Vestri, A. R.; Massidda, O.; Kurotschka, P. K. Impact of Prior Antibiotic Use in Primary Care on Escherichia Coli Resistance to Third Generation Cephalosporins: A Case-Control Study. Antibiotics (Basel) 2021, 10 (4), 451. URL.
Celotto, S.; Veronese, N.; Barbagallo, M.; Ometto, F.; Smith, L.; Pardhan, S.; Barnett, Y.; Ilie, P. C.; Soysal, P.; Lagolio, E.; Kurotschka, P. K.; Tonelli, R.; Demurtas, J. An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews with Meta-Analyses Evaluating Positive and Negative Outcomes of Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine Therapy. Int J Infect Dis 2021, 103, 599–606. URL.
Gágyor, I.; Hay, A. D. Outcome Selection in Primary Care Antimicrobial Stewardship Research. J Antimicrob Chemother 2021, 77 (1), 7–12. URL.
Jablonka, A.; Dopfer, C.; Happle, C.; Shalabi, A.; Wetzke, M.; Hummers, E.; Friede, T.; Heinemann, S.; Hillermann, N.; Simmenroth, A.; Müller, F. Acute Respiratory Infections in an Adult Refugee Population: An Observational Study. NPJ Prim Care Respir Med 2021, 31 (1), 50. URL.
Gágyor, I.; Hummers, E.; Schmiemann, G.; Friede, T.; Pfeiffer, S.; Afshar, K.; Bleidorn, J. Herbal Treatment with Uva Ursi Extract versus Fosfomycin in Women with Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection in Primary Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Clin Microbiol Infect 2021, 27 (10), 1441–1447. URL.
Gágyor, I.; Greser, A.; Heuschmann, P.; Rücker, V.; Maun, A.; Bleidorn, J.; Heintze, C.; Jede, F.; Eckmanns, T.; Klingeberg, A.; Mentzel, A.; Schmiemann, G. REDuction of Antibiotic RESistance (REDARES) in Urinary Tract Infections Using Treatments According to National Clinical Guidelines: Study Protocol for a Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial with a Multimodal Intervention in Primary Care. BMC Infect Dis 2021, 21 (1), 990. URL.
Kurotschka, P. K.; Tiedemann, E.; Wolf, D.; Thier, N.; Forster, J.; Liese, J. G.; Gagyor, I. Management of Common Infections in German Primary Care: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Knowledge and Confidence among General Practitioners and Outpatient Pediatricians. Antibiotics (Basel) 2021, 10 (9), 1131. URL.
Viniol, A.; Haasenritter, J.; Grede, N.; Wegscheider, K.; Becker, A.; Sitter, H.; Gágyor, I.; Sönnichsen, A.; Mortsiefer, A.; Junius-Walker, U.; Donner-Banzhoff, N. Typology of Drug Discontinuation Trials - Methodological Recommendations. J Clin Epidemiol 2021, 137, 23–30. URL.
Ogunsumi, D. O.; Lal, V.; Puchner, K. P.; van Brakel, W.; Schwienhorst-Stich, E.-M.; Kasang, C.; Chukwu, J.; Kreibich, S.; Parisi, S.; Richardus, J. H.; Blok, D. J. Measuring Endemicity and Burden of Leprosy across Countries and Regions: A Systematic Review and Delphi Survey. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2021, 15 (9), e0009769. URL.
Kleinert, E.; Hillermann, N.; Jablonka, A.; Happle, C.; Müller, F.; Simmenroth, A. Prescription of Antibiotics in the Medical Care of Newly Arrived Refugees and Migrants. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2021, 30 (8), 1074–1083. URL.
Kleinert, E.; Müller, F.; Kruse, S.; Furaijat, G.; Simmenroth, A. [Usability and Efficiency of a Digital Communication Assistance Tool to Obtain Medical History from Non-German-Speaking Patients]. Gesundheitswesen 2021, 83 (7), 531–537. URL.
Möller, H.-J.; Volz, H.-P.; Seifritz, E.; Müller, H.; Kenntner-Mabiala, R.; Kaussner, Y.; Schoch, S.; Kasper, S. Silexan does not affect driving performance after single and multiple dose applications: Results from a double-blind, placebo and reference-controlled study in healthy volunteers. J Psychiatr Res 2021, 136, 543–551. URL.
Farrell, K.; Tandan, M.; Hernandez Santiago, V.; Gagyor, I.; Braend, A. M.; Skow, M.; Vik, I.; Jansaaker, F.; Hayward, G.; Vellinga, A. Treatment of Uncomplicated UTI in Males: A Systematic Review of the Literature. BJGP Open 2021, 5 (2), bjgpopen20X101140. URL.
Gágyor, I.; Rentzsch, K.; Strube-Plaschke, S.; Himmel, W. Psychometric Properties of a Self-Assessment Questionnaire Concerning Symptoms and Impairment in Urinary Tract Infections: The UTI-SIQ-8. BMJ Open 2021, 11 (2), e043328. URL.
Müller, F.; Kleinert, E.; Hillermann, N.; Simmenroth, A.; Hummers, E.; Scharff, A. Z.; Dopfer, C.; Happle, C.; Jablonka, A. Disease Burden in a Large Cohort of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Germany. J Glob Health 2021, 11, 04002. URL.
Lauerer, E.; Tiedemann, E.; Polak, T.; Simmenroth, A. Can Smoking Cessation Be Taught Online? A Prospective Study Comparing e-Learning and Role-Playing in Medical Education. Int J Med Educ 2021, 12, 12–21. URL.
Tiedemann, E.; Simmenroth, A. Teaching Alcohol and Smoking Counselling in Times of COVID-19 to 6th-Semester Medical Students: Experiences with a Digital-Only and a Blended Learning Teaching Approach Using Role-Play and Feedback. GMS J Med Educ 2021, 38 (7), Doc117. URL.
Solmi, M.; Dragioti, E.; Croatto, G.; Radua, J.; Borgwardt, S.; Carvalho, A. F.; Demurtas, J.; Mosina, A.; Kurotschka, P.; Thompson, T.; Cortese, S.; Shin, J. I.; Fusar-Poli, P. Risk and Protective Factors for Personality Disorders: An Umbrella Review of Published Meta-Analyses of Case-Control and Cohort Studies. Front Psychiatry 2021, 12, 679379. URL.
Herchenröther, J.; Tiedemann, E.; Vogel, H.; Simmenroth, A. Which Teaching Method Is More Effective in a Communication Course - Role-Playing versus Simulated Patients, Taught by Tutors or Faculty Staff? A Randomized Trial. GMS J Med Educ 2021, 38 (3), Doc54. URL.
Gágyor, I.; Strube-Plaschke, S.; Rentzsch, K.; Himmel, W. Management of Urinary Tract Infections: What Do Doctors Recommend and Patients Do? An Observational Study in German Primary Care. BMC Infect Dis 2020, 20 (1), 813. URL.
Heinz, J.; Röver, C.; Furaijat, G.; Kaußner, Y.; Hummers, E.; Debray, T.; Hay, A. D.; Heytens, S.; Vik, I.; Little, P.; Moore, M.; Stuart, B.; Wagenlehner, F.; Kronenberg, A.; Ferry, S.; Monsen, T.; Lindbaek, M.; Friede, T.; Gagyor, I. Strategies to Reduce Antibiotic Use in Women with Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection in Primary Care: Protocol of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Including Individual Patient Data. BMJ Open 2020, 10 (10), e035883. URL.
Parisi, S.; Navarro, M.; Du Plessis, J. D.; Shock, J. P.; Apodaca Michel, B.; Lucuy Espinoza, M.; Terán, C.; Calizaya Tapia, N. A.; Oltmanns, K.; Baptista Mora, A.; Saveedra Irala, C.; Rivera Rojas, A. A.; Rubilar, G.; Zoller, T.; Pritsch, M. “We Have Already Heard That the Treatment Doesn’t Do Anything, so Why Should We Take It?”: A Mixed Method Perspective on Chagas Disease Knowledge, Attitudes, Prevention, and Treatment Behaviour in the Bolivian Chaco. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2020, 14 (10), e0008752. URL.
Müller, F.; Hummers, E.; Hillermann, N.; Dopfer, C.; Jablonka, A.; Friede, T.; Simmenroth, A.; Wetzke, M. Factors Influencing the Frequency of Airway Infections in Underage Refugees: A Retrospective, Cross Sectional Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020, 17 (18), E6823. URL.
Heckmann, J. G.; Urban, P. P.; Pitz, S.; Guntinas-Lichius, O.; Gágyor, I. In Reply. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2020, 117 (10), 175–176. URL.
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Laurence, D.; Görlich, Y.; Simmenroth, A. How Do Applicants, Students and Physicians Think about the Feminisation of Medicine? - A Questionnaire-Survey. BMC Med Educ 2020, 20 (1), 48. URL.
Kaussner, Y.; Kuraszkiewicz, A. M.; Schoch, S.; Markel, P.; Hoffmann, S.; Baur-Streubel, R.; Kenntner-Mabiala, R.; Pauli, P. Treating Patients with Driving Phobia by Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy - a Pilot Study. PLoS One 2020, 15 (1), e0226937. URL.
Haak, T.; Gölz, S.; Fritsche, A.; Füchtenbusch, M.; Siegmund, T.; Schnellbächer, E.; Klein, H. H.; Uebel, T.; Droßel, D. Therapy of Type 1 Diabetes. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2019, 127 (S 01), S27–S38. URL.
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Schilling, I.; Behrens, H.; Bleidorn, J.; Gágyor, I.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Jilani, H.; Schmiemann, G.; Gerhardus, A. Patients’ and Researchers’ Experiences with a Patient Board for a Clinical Trial on Urinary Tract Infections. Research involvement and engagement 2019, 5. URL.
Heckmann, J. G.; Urban, P. P.; Pitz, S.; Guntinas-Lichius, O.; Gágyor, I. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Idiopathic Facial Paresis (Bell’s Palsy). Dtsch Arztebl Int 2019, 116 (41), 692–702. URL.
Gágyor, I. Single-Dose Fosfomycin Is Less Effective than 5-Day Nitrofurantoin in Women with Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection: Closing the Evidence Gap for a New Recommendation of an Old Antibiotic. BMJ Evid Based Med 2019, 24 (5), e3. URL.
Gagyor, I.; Madhok, V. B.; Daly, F.; Sullivan, F. Antiviral Treatment for Bell’s Palsy (Idiopathic Facial Paralysis). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2019, 9, CD001869. URL.
Gágyor, I.; Heßling, A.; Heim, S.; Frewer, A.; Nauck, F.; Himmel, W. Ethical Challenges in Primary Care: A Focus Group Study with General Practitioners, Nurses and Informal Caregivers. Fam Pract 2019, 36 (2), 225–230. URL.
Furaijat, G.; Kleinert, E.; Simmenroth, A.; Müller, F. Implementing a Digital Communication Assistance Tool to Collect the Medical History of Refugee Patients: DICTUM Friedland - an Action-Oriented Mixed Methods Study Protocol. BMC Health Serv Res 2019, 19 (1), 103. URL.
Kleinert, E.; Müller, F.; Furaijat, G.; Hillermann, N.; Jablonka, A.; Happle, C.; Simmenroth, A. Does Refugee Status Matter? Medical Needs of Newly Arrived Asylum Seekers and Resettlement Refugees - a Retrospective Observational Study of Diagnoses in a Primary Care Setting. Confl Health 2019, 13, 39. URL.
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Kallusky, K.; Gágyor, I.; Heßling, A.; Himmel, W. [The Frequency of Ethical Conflicts in Primary Care and the Need for Ethical Consultations - The Perspective of General Practitioners]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2018, 143 (17), e146–e151. URL.
Afshar, K.; Fleischmann, N.; Schmiemann, G.; Bleidorn, J.; Hummers-Pradier, E.; Friede, T.; Wegscheider, K.; Moore, M.; Gágyor, I. Reducing Antibiotic Use for Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection in General Practice by Treatment with Uva-Ursi (REGATTA) - a Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Comparative Effectiveness Trial. BMC Complement Altern Med 2018, 18 (1), 203. URL.
Sennhenn-Kirchner, S.; Goerlich, Y.; Kirchner, B.; Notbohm, M.; Schiekirka, S.; Simmenroth, A.; Raupach, T. The Effect of Repeated Testing vs Repeated Practice on Skills Learning in Undergraduate Dental Education. Eur J Dent Educ 2018, 22 (1), e42–e47. URL.